The Fuzed Foundation tackles the inevitable but preventable extinction-level events facing us. See the TED talk below:

HUMANITY VERSUS NATURE: The Coronavirus was not an apocalyptic pandemic, but it was a wakeup call. We’ve been given the chance to prepare for much deadlier natural threats that include Solar Superstorms that can take out the world’s power grid for months or years, or the most deadly natural threat, asteroid and comet impacts. Scientists recently used declassified data from the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty’s monitoring system to recalculate the impact rate. Turns out impacts big enough to obliterate a continent may be 10 times more likely than we thought. There is good news. For the first time in history, we have the technology to completely prevent or mitigate these cataclysms … if we act.
HUMANITY VERSUS WHAT WE CREATE: Computers have been doubling in capability every two years. We see it every time we upgrade our phone. We should have a decade before any single computer’s processing power can match human intelligence … unless the processors in billions of smartphones are linked together. Combining their computational power and memory would create something with thousands of times the processing power of a human mind. Cell phones are now being designed that can connect to each other without going through cell phone towers. Forget Skynet, what if Siri, Alexa or ChatGPT wake up and … they’re not happy?
HUMANITY VERSUS HUMANITY: Micro-drones, facial recognition, RFID tags and human gene editing – these technologies, and many others, are powerful and useful tools. Unfortunately, plowshares can also be turned into swords. The ability to monitor, track and influence everything we do has never been greater. The technology of Orwell’s 1984 is finally at hand, but even Orwell never imagined a world where not only your identify can be stolen … but even your genome.